One of the topics that came up was dating in the age of Facebook ( FB), OkCupid, and the myriad of other digital services floating out there. 也就是在这个充斥着Facebook、Okcupid和其他五花八门数字服务的年代约会。
As executives and owners of businesses ranging from manufacturing to digital services, the more than two hundred women who gathered here last week to hear from Lubna and others push against that tide. 上周有逾两百位女高管和企业家汇聚一堂,聆听鲁卜娜和其他演讲者就如何对抗上述偏见所发表的高论,她们所处的行业从制造到数码服务无所不包。
All together, chegg says these digital services made up 20% of first half 2013 revenue, compared to 13% in 2012. Chegg表示,所有这些数字服务占2013年上半年营收的20%,而2012年占比为13%。
The digital services also will be interactive, allowing participation in polls and quiz shows, improved versions of Teletext, and a choice of camera angles on some coverage. 数字服务也可以是交互式的,允许民意测验和智力竞赛的节目,文字电视广播改良后的译本和照相视角的选择。
The Japanese record companies 'hope is to maintain the current size of the physical market, and to try to make the digital market grow again by licensing new digital services, said Yoichiro Hata a director of the Recording Industry Association of Japan. 日本唱片公司的希望是,能够维持实体市场当前的规模,同时尝试通过向新数字服务出售版权来使得数字市场恢复增长,日本唱片产业协会的一位负责人羽田阳一郎(YoichiroHata)指出。
In-car digital services currently include maps and other so-called infotainment devices. 目前的车内数字服务包括地图和其他所谓的信息娱乐设备。
Research on Social Coordination and Management of Digital Information Services in China 我国数字信息服务的社会协调与管理研究
Even today, more people have basic mobile phones than have toilets, and those phones can provide a staggering array of digital services from banking to education to news and information. 通过手机操作网络银行,接受教育,浏览新闻,人们开始享受更便捷的服务。
Several publishers have worked with print and digital rental services. 几家出版商已经在纸质和数字租赁服务上采取合作。
China is expected to end this year with 170m pay-TV households, although the take-up of high-premium digital services is low. 预计到今年底,中国大陆将拥有1.7亿户付费电视用户,但高端数字服务的使用率仍会较低。
The new building of the Shenzhen Library should be developed into a modern public library integrating publicness, researches and digital services. 深圳图书馆新馆的发展目标是建成大众型、研究型和数字型三位一体的现代化公共图书馆。
Best buy, the largest US consumer electronics retailer, is to acquire Napster, the music download provider, as it seeks to establish itself as a significant force in the global market for mobile devices and digital services. 美国最大消费者电子产品零售商百思买(bestbuy)将收购音乐下载服务提供商napster,此举旨在使自己成为全球移动设备和数字服务市场的中坚力量。
It supports infinite number of resources ( digital services, film services) and has a well-organized navigation system. 它支持资源(数字化服务,电影服务)无限数量,并组织良好的导航系统。
During the first half, DVN won a contract to provide digital services to the Guangxi province. 上半年,天地数码取得为广西省提供数码广播服务之合约。
Walt Disney, the first broadcast network owner to make shows available for free online, is also researching subscription-based digital services. 此外,第一家即将推出免费在线影片的广播网络所有者沃尔特-迪士尼(WaltDisney)也在研究基于订阅的数字服务。
Will be auctioned and the rest used for digital services. 将被拍卖,其余的用于数字服务。
Hence, the article emphatically discusses the working ways of college libraries digital services for reference and consulting in the new conditions on the basis of the analysis of the status, characteristics and problems present about reference and consulting services in the information era. 文章首先论述了信息时代参考咨询服务现状、特点及存在的问题,然后论述了新的环境下拓展高校图书馆数字咨询服务工作的方法。
The results will be the foundation of service enabler estimation when China Telecom constructs its 3G mobile digital service network. It will significantly influence future mobile digital services of China Telecom. 本项目的成果是中国电信3G业务引擎设备选型的依据,将直接支撑中国电信集团公司3G数据业务发展和3G业务运营,对中国电信的移动数据业务发展有积极的影响。
The amalgamation of digital information technology, no matter the wireless network entering our house or sharing digital services through broad band, will be the main topic of the high-tech industry in the next years. 数字信息技术的融合,无论是无线网络进入家庭还是通过宽带设施共享数字内容都将成为未来几年内高技术行业的主题,数字化家庭的时代正在到来。
To have all the digital services run in a common environment, this paper presented a new concept of digital services broadcast platform, and introduced the model, functions, interfaces and key technologies for implementation. 为了使各种数字业务可以有公共的运作环境,提出了数字业务广播平台的概念,并介绍了实现的模型、功能、结构、接口及关键技术。
Many device manufacturer and application developer, especially in Europe, have put out many systems and applications based on WAP, and many commercial experiment of WAP wireless digital services are carrying out actively. 世界上许多设备制造商和应用开发商,特别是欧洲,已推出多种基于WAP的系统和应用,许多WAP无线数据业务的商用化实验正在积极进行。
Therefore, we should accelerate the digitization of library collection resources and establish a system of digital services, which will include VOD service, digital resource reading and searching, virtual information services, and reader information literacy education. 为此,必须千方百计地加快馆藏资源数字化;要建立数字化服务体系,例如开展视频点播服务、数字资源阅览和检索服务、虚拟信息服务、读者信息素养教育,等等。
Based on the technique of high-speed transmission on networks, taking the utilization of databases as backbones, to achieve the digital services in reference enquiry has become a new trend in the libraries of colleges and universities. 基于高速网络传输技术,利用数据库作为后台支撑,实现参考咨询的数字化服务已成为高校图书馆的新潮流。
Digital Services of the New Building of the Shenzhen Library 深圳图书馆新馆数字化服务的思考
The article analyzes the meaning of currently academic libraries 'digital services, and puts forward the factors of libraries' digital services. 文章对现在高校图书馆的数字化服务内涵进行分析的基础上提出图书馆数字化服务要素。
Questions and Settlement Way on Digital Services of University Libraries 高校图书馆数字化服务存在的问题与解决途径
Nowadays the RPR network is single wavelength channel network and dissatisfies the request of the development of digital services. 当前RPR网络是单波长信道的,不能满足数据业务发展的需求。
As mobile communications profit growth gradually shift from voice services to digital services, a variety of mobile value-added services emerged endlessly. And mobile payment has become one of the brightest spots. 随着移动通信的利润增长点逐渐从话音业务转向数字业务,各种移动增值业务层出不穷,而移动支付就成为了其中的一个亮点。
It is a kind of digital communication aimed at achieving clinical information digitization, digital services, digital medicine and form by applying advanced information technics in all kinds of hospital information digital collection, processing, storage, sharing and retrieval. 是将先进的信息技术应用于医院信息的各种数字采集,加工,存储,共享和检索,实现临床信息的数字化,数字化服务,数字医疗和形式的数字通信。
In this fused world, people can transparently get digital services at anytime and anywhere. 在这个融合的空间中,人们可以随时随地、透明地获得数字化的服务。